Your alcohol tolerance level is essentially defined by how much you drink, and how that affects you. When you are a heavy drinker, you’ll likely find that it has begun to take more and more to give you that same effect you’re looking for. For this reason, you might be looking for ways to reset, or lower, your alcohol tolerance level. The good news is, there are a few ways to do so. But, that’s not to say it won’t be challenging…

Alcohol Tolerance Level: How to Lower Your Intake and Still Have Fun

You might have recently been considering that you drink a little bit too much. Rather, when you do drink— it can be difficult to reach our desired result. Therefore, you want to reel your alcohol tolerance level back in just a bit. This is understandable. After all, doing so can help you save money, and get a little bit healthier. But where do I start? And how do I know that my tolerance is becoming a bit higher than ideal?

You’re not getting that same feeling

While we’ve already addressed this issue, it’s usually the big telltale sign that people are looking for. You remember how it used to be: two glasses wine and you’re happy, chatty, and having a great time. But lately, you’re not feeling that way until you reach the end of your first bottle. This can be a strong indicator that your tolerance is increasing, and it might be time to draw back.

How do I reign in my tolerance once again?

Knowing the signs and wanting to do something about it is a great first step. However, now is the time to put that plan into action. But… how?

The best, and ultimately… only way to do so, is to reduce, or eliminate, your intake. Consider taking a week off from drinking alcohol. It might sound impossible for some, however it can be extremely beneficial to your health, your wallet, and your tolerance.

Taking a tolerance break can increase your immune health, boost your metabolism, improve liver health, and provide other fantastic health benefits. If you’re considering this, pick a starting place. Maybe you’ll start today, tomorrow, or on Monday so you have a fresh week to conquer. Stick to your schedule, accomplish your goal, and I guarantee you’ll feel better, look better, and lower your tolerance level. Plus, you never know, you might end up loving a life free of alcohol… We wish you luck in your journey to a lower tolerance!