Nearly 96% of those who are struggling with an alcohol addiction believe they don’t need to seek out treatment. A large reason for this is because they don’t think they’re a “stereotypical alcoholic.” However, there’s actually many different alcoholic types. Knowing some of the most common ones can help better put your usage into perspective…

Alcoholic Types: Understand The Signs

Young adult

Out of the different alcoholic types, the young adult subtype is the largest. 32% of those struggling with alcohol abuse fall under this subtype. The age range for this subtype included those just under the drinking age up to those in their early 20’s.

Most of those in this group tend to be college students who find themselves in a culture which encouraged heavy drinking. In fact, 90% of the alcohol drank by this group is done via binge drinking. Due to this kind of culture and social pressure, those in this group tend to not get the help they need because they believe their drinking is “normal” form someone their age.

Young antisocial

The second largest of the alcoholic types is the young antisocial subtype. Much like the young adult group, this subtype also includes those in their early- to mid-20’s who started drinking at a young age. However, unlike that group, they don’t drink because others are doing so. Rather, many of them will drink to try and socialize easier.

Usually, those in this group have something such as anxiety or depression, which makes it hard for them to socialize. As a result, they’ll drink to feel relaxed and try and “fit in” better. Others may use alcohol as a way for them to self-medicate. Either way, it tends to lead to heavy drinking and an addiction.


The hardest of the alcoholic types to recognize are the functional ones. On the surface, they appear to have everything together. They may have a good job, a family, and are well-educated. As a result, it’s easy for others to look the other way if they think that the person in question may be drinking just a bit too much.

It’s because of those factors that it’s hard for those in this group to get help. In fact, they themselves may even believe that there isn’t anything wrong with their drinking. This is why it usually requires those around them to realize that their drinking isn’t healthy, and encourage them to seek some treatment.