The Greensboro Police Department, among others in the state, is in the process of implementing a DNA database for the region.  The goal of this program is to store DNA samples collected from people either with their consent, or through a court-order.  The database will include DNA samples of people throughout the region with the hope that it will help to disclose patterns pertaining to certain crimes.

This lab will be set up to assist the Burlington Lab Company, a privately owned company,  who will also assist in the program’s implementation.   Regions, that have implemented such a program, have found a significant drop in the crime rate, specifically burglary, and vehicle thefts.  Therefore, the new program will allow Greensboro, to rely on a local crime lab rather than the state lab in Raleigh.  Further, they can concentrate some energy on property crimes; something that is not a priority for the state crime lab.

Regions throughout all of North Carolina are beginning to implement such programs to increase the efficiency of systems that uncover criminal acts.  Therefore, there will likely be a rise in the amount of people charged with property crimes in these regions.