Getting caught driving under the influence can lead to significant legal issues, so affording a DWI can be a real problem for many people. A DWI itself can carry fines, and there are other costs to consider as well. You might have to get creative with how you come up with the money for your DWI. For example, it might be helpful to explore personal loans and lines of credit. Or it might mean that you have to pick up a second job. For others, it might mean asking for help from friends or family which can be very embarrassing. A DWI is a serious charge and scraping the money together to afford it can take time. Hopefully, it will mean that you never repeat this mistake.

Affording a DWI: Finding the Funds to Move Forward

Costs to Consider

Affording a DWI doesn’t just mean paying for the fines from the charge itself. You’ll also likely need the assistance of an attorney. An experienced attorney might be able to reduce your charges or improve your legal situation, but it will come at a cost. Additionally, you’ll likely also face increases in your car insurance premiums and other miscellaneous charges like paying to get your car from the impound lot. If you get into an accident you might be facing medical and car repair costs.

Personal Loan

One way of affording a DWI is to explore loan options. You might be able to take out a personal loan to help cover the costs or run a line of credit. A lot will depend on your credit score as well as your income and monthly debts. You’ll also have to prove that you are over the age of eighteen and you are a legal citizen.

Second Job

Another way of affording your DWI fines and legal fees is to get a second job. While it’s not ideal, it might be necessary to scrape together the money you need. Many companies are hiring at the moment, and you can even find jobs that you can do remotely from home.

Ask for Help

Finally, sometimes affording a DWI charge is simply not possible on your own. If so, you might need to ask for help from friends or family. It can be embarrassing and shameful, and it can also lead to sticky situations. If you do accept money from friends or family, make a schedule for paying it back and stick to it. Otherwise, you might lose their respect or harm your relationship.

Getting behind the wheel while intoxicated can be a very expensive mistake. Affording a DWI can take a long time and require a lot of effort. But hopefully, you can use it as a motivator to make positive changes in your life so that you never repeat the same mistake. Not only will you face legal fees, but also fines, insurance premium hikes, and other charges. You might explore options like loans or lines of credit. Or you could take up a second job to scrape together the funds. Finally, if you ask friends or family to help you out, make a plan to repay them as quickly as possible. Hopefully, you can scrape together the money you need to afford your DWI so that you can move on with life while learning from this mistake.