Detainment at Traffic Stop

Police must first have probable cause or reasonable suspicion before they can initiate a traffic stop.  Usually the traffic stop is going to be for some type of traffic offense such as speeding, following too closely, failure to yield…etc.  In DWI cases the stop may...

Appealing a DWI Conviction

In some situations it may be advisable to appeal a DWI conviction.  This occurs when someone is found guilty in District Court but there are additional circumstances that arise which allow the conviction to be challenged.  In some cases additional evidence or new...

Intoxilyzer Test Process

Implied Consent laws in North Carolina do require that anyone is suspected of driving while intoxicated must submit to chemical testing.  Most of the time this is completed at the police station after an arrest has taken place.  Police will set up the breathalyzer...

North Carolina Felony DWI

If you are charged with a DWI in North Carolina it is most likely going to be a misdemeanor as almost all DWI charges fall within the misdemeanor category.  The exception to this is if you are to be a habitual DWI offender which is punished as a felony in North...

Drug use and DWI

Those of us operate a vehicle on the road know it is illegal to do so while impaired from consuming too much alcohol.  It is just as illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs.  If you are impaired under either you may be stopped and charged with...