Staying Sober: Making Changes

If you had a DUI last year, or struggled with an addiction to alcohol, then one of your goals this year might be to sober up. However, many people have some fears about this process. Still, staying sober is definitely something that you can do. Practicing a...

Organic Wine Varieties

Wine has a lot of variety, with a host of different styles and flavors. However, one style which tends to get a bit misunderstood is organic wine. As it turns out, there’s a few reasons why you might want to give this pretty interesting version a try…...

Shooter History: Cocktail Origins

The cocktail has had a pretty interesting history behind it. However, what about their cousins, the shooters? Shooter history is a bit more modern, but just as interesting. In fact, you might just get a newfound appreciation for this mini-mixed combinations…...