Wine Headaches: Cause Prevention

For many people, headaches are pretty common after drinking wine. Often enough, wine headaches are due to them not drinking enough water. However, there are other causes behind these wine headaches. Knowing these culprits can help you better avoid headaches yourself...

Beer Storage: Fresher… For Longer

Sometimes, you might find yourself with more beer than there is room in the fridge. In these situations, it’s important to know proper beer storage techniques. That way, you can keep your beer fresher for longer… Beer Storage: Keep It Fresh Beer’s...

Beer Types: Options & ABV

When it comes to beers, many people might not expect for there to be a lot of variants. However, just like with wines, the different beer types all bring something a bit different to the table. Knowing these types can help you decide which kind fits your tastes...

Alcohol Serving Sizes

Alcohol comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes. However, not a lot of people are aware of the different alcohol serving sizes. Knowing just how different a “standard” serving can be for each drink can help you make some more informed drinking...