Alcohol Tolerance: What Is It and How Does It Work? 

When it comes to drinking, some of us handle out alcohol much better than others. But why can some people have a few drinks and be fine, while others end up with a lampshade on their head? In most cases, that comes down to alcohol tolerance and how it effects you....

Staying Hydrated While Drinking: Prevent that Hangover 

Having a hangover feels like natures way of punishing us for having fun. When, in all actuality, it’s pretty easy to prevent by staying hydrated while drinking. So, you want to keep that headache at bay tomorrow morning? Stay on top of it the night before by following...

Employer Background Check: Will A DWI Show Up? 

When you’re looking to secure a new job, you don’t want to have any red marks against you. You have great work history, the proper field experience, and great recommendations. However, what about that DWI you’ve been dealing with? Will I have to...