Cough Medicine Abuse

There is an increased focus on prescription pill abuse these days. However, other types of medicines still get abused every day, such as cough medicine. In fact, you might be surprised at how closely linked these two types of drugs are… Cough Medicine Abuse:...

Craving Management: Getting Sober

One thing those who are getting sober want to avoid is a relapse. However, constant cravings can make it hard to kick a habit. That’s why it’s helpful to know some craving management methods. These techniques can help keep your cravings at bay and stay sober… Craving...

Benzos: Uses and Risks

There’s many different categories for prescription pills. One of the more-important categories are benzos. In fact, these types of pills are some of the most popular in the U.S. However, they can also be very dangerous…  Benzos: How They Can Help & Hurt How they...