Beer Sizes: Glasses, Cans, and Bottles

Beer has been a consistently popular drink for years. However, beer sizes haven’t always been as consistent. The standard beer size at one place might be totally different from another. Therefore, it’s always useful to know the different kinds of size...

Wine Variants

Many people like to lump all wines together as just one kind of alcoholic drink type. However, the multiple wine variants actually have a lot of differences between them. Knowing these differences can help you pick the right kind of wine for each situation… Wine...

Alcoholism Assistance

It can be very hard for a person who is dealing with alcoholism to begin sobering up. However, if you have a friend with alcoholism, you might not be sure how you can help. As it turns out, there’s many ways for you to offer support to said friend during this...

Poor Exercise

Have you been noticing a decline in your gym performance? If so, alcohol might be to blame. As it turns out, alcohol can result in some poor exercise results. That’s why it’s important to understand the relationship between alcohol and fitness. That way,...

College Alcoholism

When people think of alcoholism, they usually tend to think of it as a problem for older adults. However, college alcoholism is actually quite common. This form of addiction comes with it’s own unique consequences which you might not realize at first glance....